"Welcome to The Pearl Academy High School! We are a Church School under Alabama law, providing legal cover to homeschooling families. But that's not all we offer; please browse our website for information on our teaching and tutoring services, transcripts, diplomas, and more! We exist to help homeschooling families give their children the best possible education while complying with Alabama's homeschooling law
Homeschool cover school
Time2care will help you enroll at 205 200 3496. Text your name, and email address.
I am Cindy Hobbs; I will be your teacher on this journey. My contact information is 334 360 0875.My Zoom meeting ID Meeting ID497 250 4850Class starts promptly at 9 am and 1 pm please log in five minutes prior.Position cameras on your shoulders and face and please sit up. No obscene pictures or images on camera or still shots. Keep microphone off unless you need to ask/answer a question. Please be considerate of our classmates and keep environmental noise down, for example, television, radio, children etc. Take notes! Have plenty of paper.Bathroom breaks are at 10 am and 11 am. If you need a break between just quietly slip out. Have your name type in before entering the room. Please go to Google Classroom use linkhttps://classroom.google.com/c/NTk1MDM1OTQxOTg0?cjc=segpiuhCheck the calendar for class schedule.
We only accept enrollment from agencies
email me I will send contact information
to Our Site
transcripts and school information is sent from the following email thepearlacademyhighschool.com

“You cannot open a book without learning something.”